Epuipment for the trip is starting to pile up. Just got my lower seat for the GS, Ebay rulez ;) All kinds of small camera mount and minor stuff is in already as well as contribution from my beloved sponsors :)
Lower seat eh...yep. The R 1150 GS Adventure stock seat raises 35.4" above your feet...and my inseam is a mere 32" :) LOL :) So I need bit handicap to more than 6 toes alltogether to the ground at the same time. Of course you do not ride your feet on the ground ;) but somehow I feel that manouvering a 609 Lb wet weight (all gear excluded) beast around on lower speeds, I opt for a lower seat.
Oh yeah, the bike. Don't have it yet :O I have couple of GS lined up but no deal yet. Perhaps this coming weekend I get my arse on the road and check these babies out. The other one is 20 min drive away and the other right next to it, 4 hour ride more. Anyways...eventually I will get my ride ;) Stay tuned for more pics when I get to do the deal!